Terms & Conditions
Making a Purchase:
This couldn't be easier. Just browse our Catalogue or use the search function, until you find what you want. Click on Add to Basket and then enter the quantity that you require. A running total will appear of what you have ordered. You can continue to add more items or remove some at any time. After you have finished your selection, click on "Checkout" and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to satisfy the order. You can change the contents of your basket or cancel your order at any time, as it is not confirmed until you are transferred to a secure page to enter payment details.
Payment & Currencies:
We accept most major credit cards. Credit cards are processed immediately using the WorldPay secure system. You may send your credit card information via phone, fax, mail or over the Internet using our secure facilities. Please DO NOT send credit card details by email. Our online store includes a considerable level of security that is not included in email. If you have any queries about making payments please contact us.
Shipping and Handling:
All orders are shipped by secure courier. For reasons of security we will only ship to the billing address on the credit card when you order online, unless specific arrangements are made with us. If this is not convenient please contact us and we will make alternate arrangement (we will need to verify your identity to do this). If no one is available when the package is delivered you may need to collect from a local postal point. Full details of our delivery service is available on the Shipping & Returns page.
Remittance Terms:
Please note that all goods must be paid for in full before shipping. Please make cheques payable to Sculpture to Wear Limited.
Tax Charges:
All prices are inclusive of standard rate VAT.

We know of no documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the internet. All credit card details are processed using the WorldPay secure transaction system. Credit card details are not stored on the internet or on any of our own computers to ensure maximum security for you. This web site is fully integrated with WorldPay, one of the leading secure payment systems - as approved by many of the well-known high street banks. Sensitive information is only requested on pages that are located on the WorldPay secure servers and this information cannot be accessed or viewed by anyone else (not even our own staff). All transactions are encrypted using 128 bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) architecture (dependent on browser support), and are signed using digital certificates. Simply put, this site integrates with one of the most secure systems available. Using the WorldPay system, your credit card information remains safely in the hands of you and WorldPay. No-one else has access to this. Despite this attention to security we do understand that some people prefer not to enter their details online. If you have such concerns please contact us to arrange payment by alternative methods.
Return of Unwanted Goods: we guarantee your satisfaction with any goods that you purchase from us. If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason you may contact us within 7 days of receiving your goods to arrange a full refund. Refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving the returned goods and will be made by the same method that you made your original payment. If you would like to return unwanted goods, please ensure that you contact us prior to sending them back. We strongly recommend that returned goods are sent by special delivery with the appropriate insurance cover as they will only be deemed returned when signed for by us. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
Customer Services: if you have any comments or questions about an order, or our products in general please contact us. We are open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm to answer your calls.